Thursday, November 1, 2012

"Obama sacrificed them like sheep."

Dr. Stan Monteith-Radio Liberty

With the news about the storm "Sandy" on the east coast, Americans are not hearing what Obama has done to lie and deceive us once again. He has once again committed treason! How many times are we going to let him keep fooling us, and getting away with it!? I've warned that he's been doing this since BEFORE he got into office. Granted, Romney is no prize for President, but, I don't think he can be as ruthless as Obama. And if he is, maybe it time to get rid of this government completely, and start over. But, we can't allow this guy, Obama, to keep destroying this country and killing people.

Below are the latest reports of the Benghazi attack. It's probably not the story that you have heard on main stream media. That's typical. Although I have seen some of these reports on FOX and other's. So, it's starting to come to light. It has NOTHING to do with a stupid, insulting video on the internet. That is the fairy tale they want you to believe. Below is the truth.

I have a lot of information below (some will interest Bible-believers) where you will discover that not only did Obama deny help to Ambassador Stevens when he requested it while under attack, but Obama and his team WATCHED THEM DIE IN REAL TIME WHEN HELP COULD HAVE BEEN SENT IN. Just like they claimed they watched in real time the Osama Bin Laden raid in the Situation Room. (There's another whopper the American people are buying. But, that's another story.) 

A U.S. General apparently has been arrested for ignoring the Stand-Down Order from Obama after Ambassador Steven's was requesting help. Why would Obama give a stand down order? Why would he not want to aid an American citizen, an Ambassador of this country, and help save his life? Perhaps in Obama's eyes, he was expendable. Because this page is very long, I will have another page on that story, and links to it.

If this does not make you angry, you either just don't care, or you're dead.

Don't forget to see and listen to the files at the bottom of this page where you'll find out about Obama's ring that he's been wearing since college days. A ring that says, "There Is No God Except Allah". Also there is information on Obama's past ,including how Michelle fits in, the truth behind Michelle, and a number of other important issues.

Obama's, "There is No God Except Allah" Ring.

John Christopher Stevens was an American diplomat and lawyer who served as
the U.S. Ambassador to Libya from June 2012 to September 11, 2012.


CIA agents confirm Obama told them not to Aid Ambassador Chris Stevens 
Published on Oct 29, 2012 
CIA operatives have now confirmed that they were told by the Obama Administration to hold back and not come to the rescue of Ambassador Chris Stevens or the other 3 USA officials butchered in Benghazi Sept 11, 2012.


October 29, 2012 By Kris Zane

Barack Obama, our “Commander-in-Chief,” watched live drone video from the White House Situation room as four Americans were slaughtered—and did nothing.

October 25, 2012 By Daniel Noe

It seems President Obama has been engaged in gun-walking on a massive scale. The effect has been to equip America’s enemies to wage jihad not only against regimes it once claimed were our friends, but inevitably against us and our allies, as well. That would explain his administration’s desperate, and now-failing, bid to mislead the voters through the serial deflections of Benghazi-Gate.

October 25, 2012 By Kris Zane

We learned Tuesday that Barack Hussein Obama, along with the FBI, CIA, the State Department, and literally hundreds of intelligence-related entities within the federal government knew the Benghazi consulate had been attacked by terrorists within two hours.

We learned that three emails were sent directly to the White House Situation Room describing the incident as a terrorist attack. We learned that Obama watched in real time and did nothing while four Americans were murdered.

And while Obama and the mainstream media were playing “Pin the tail on the YouTube video” for two weeks, Western Journalism had been on top of this story since day one. 

We knew that a cover-up was occurring from the very beginning. But it was not simply a President who stood by and did nothing while four Americans were murdered. Not simply a President so myopic that he refused to accept that terrorists, under his “bridge-building” administration, would want to kill us. It was something much more. Much more sinister.

Watch our newest video to find out the real news on the Benghazi attack.

October 25, 2012 By Daniel Noe 

This is something that really needs to be looked into further…


October 24, 2012 By Daniel Noe

Officials at the White House and State Department were advised two hours after attackers assaulted the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11 that an Islamic militant group had claimed credit for the attack, official emails show.

October 31, 2012 By Daniel Noe

Please share this story with your friends! It is on fire!


KPJC 1220 AM
Hebrew Nation Radio

Daniel W. Merrick Ph.D.
Distributed by
Merola and Merrick are the Woodward and Bernstein of Benghazi-Gate,  hosts of Hal' Maqowsh (The Latter Rain Chronicles) on KPJC 1220 AM Salem, broke Benghazi Libya story with an unnamed CIA source that the White House had a real time feed video. 

Oct 26, 2012 --
Over Three weeks ago Merola and Merrick cohosts of Hal' Maqowsh (The Latter Rain Chronicles) which airs weekly on KPJC 1220 AM Salem, Or broke a story on their show about Benghazi, Libya, disclosing information from a real time unnamed CIA source that showed The White House, The State Department, and US Government agencies had a real time feed video on the ground of the events which happened in the murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens. 

On October 3rd, 2012, they made the first recording to air on the broadcast and to insure their personal security in true journalistic style, sent emails to other news agencies that insured that their source would be protected as FOIA requests began to flood into the State Department. 

"We began to understand the implications of breaking this story when a drone was photographed flying over my house taking pictures of me", said report Dan Merrick. "We were on their radar, and we knew the White House was going to be tracking for someone to blame". 

The first official story of the State Department and White House was that a little known YouTube video had sparked riots in the Muslim world that lead up to the Terrorist Attacks that killed Chris Stevens and the security team in Libya.

As major media sources ignored the story or just reported the White House version of the story, Maria Merola and Daniel Merrick went with the story and reported some proposed reasons why the reports were not truthful from Government Sources on what had happened.

On KPJC AM 1220 Merrick and Merola broke that the White House had a Real Time Feed streaming while the events happened. HA' Malqowsh, Hebrew for The Latter Rain Chronicles, air weekends on the station at Hebrew Nation Radio.

The story has another twist in the tale in that these passive Hebrew Roots of the Christian faith believers have become targets by US Government agencies due to their perceived activities which have been recently in the news on such shows as Alex Jones Info Wars and TV shows like "Conspiracy Theory" with Jessie Ventura. "They have had drones and Choppers flying over our Radio Station, and worship services" which have been photographed by many members of the congregations of the Messianic Jewish groups. 

Dan Merrick said in an interview: "This shows the abuse of power that our government has been taking when they should be spying on real terrorists, they make false claims that Bible believers are somehow domestic terrorists for doing simple things like stockpiling food and speaking out about our rights under the constitution". 

During the last month was the Jewish feast of Tabernacles where Jewish and Messianic Jewish people gather in a camp setting to keep the Biblical feast found in Leviticus Chapter 23 where they are commanded to dwell in Booths or Tents for 7 days. During these events hundreds of reports came into Hebrew Nation Radio and other media sources that drones and other Spy technology were used to observe the religious practice. 

Dan Merrick is a retired US ARMY Captain in the Armor branch and now volunteers as a Radio Host and doing ministry and news broadcasting from his home studio via Skype and telephone. Both Maria and Dan are available for interview and can be reached through Dan at 814-887-5224 Cell 814-598-1447 or Via Skype captdanthecavalryman Email

They both feel it is important for their own safety and for public awareness that they continue to expose these events and share with Americans that the US Government and present administration is targeting religious groups to classify them as terrorists for just doing what is lawful and constitutional. 

# # # is a press release distribution service since 2001. 
Friday, 26 October 2012


“Just because it’s reported on facebook doesn’t mean it’s not true” 
“This information was on social networks”
Merola and Merrick are the Woodward and Bernstein of Benghazi-Gate. Over three weeks ago Merola and Merrick cohosts of Ha’Malqowsh (The Latter Rain Chronicles) which airs weekly on KPJC 1220 AM Salem Oregon, broke a story on their show about Benghazi Libya disclosing information from a real time unnamed CIA source that showed The White House, The State Department, and U.S. Government agencies had a real time feed video on the ground of the events which happened in the murder of ambassador Chris Stevens.

During this interview with Dan Merrick, former U.S. ARMY BIC Intel officer said yesterday morning “In the era of real time feeds to the White House of President Obama watching them take out Bin Laden, don’t you think they had a real time feed to this event in Benghazi?”

This morning on FOX NEWS the same comment is repeated in sound bites during Fox & Friends. Merola and Merrick reported that an unnamed CIA source (we’ll call him “Big Trumpet,”) told them that security cameras were embedded in the walls of the Embassy at Benghazi Libya and tapped into to get a real-time feed. “How do you think they got the pictures of men with RPG’s and AK47’s and the pictures of Chris Stevens being beaten to death?”

KPJC 1220 AM SCOOPED this story on Ha’ Malqowsh: The Latter Rain Chronicles two weeks ago with reports from “Big Trumpet” which has the “news world” buzzing about how two “small-time” reporters can scoop the big-time press. In this interview with our own Dan Merrick he shares why Maria Merola and Dan went with this story to expose abuses by the present administration to expose the lies and recent events happening to the Hebrew Nation Community. “What is the purpose of sending drones and choppers to fly over our worship during the Feast of Tabernacles?”

Why did KPJC have a helicopter hover over the station? This administration is trying to intimidate us into submission and scare us into shutting up! We will not stop reporting this to the media and we will make our voices heard.

Dan and Maria decided to talk about the upcoming election on their show a few weeks back to announce their decision to vote against “the greater of two evils” during the upcoming elections. 

During their research for the show in looking for sources to prove what they were saying was true, they found “Big Trumpet” who told them about the CIA “on the ground feeds” to security cams in the walls and on the ground in Libya. In this special edition of the Morning Show, the Hebrew Nation Team interviews Dan, and talks about the question “to vote or not to vote.” 

Dan talks about the recent report from Chuck Norris that cited statistics that 30 million Evangelicals stayed home in the 2008 election and Obama won by 10 million votes. In light of the recent attacks and drone over-flights of many Hebrew Roots Sukkot celebrations, Dr. Dan felt that someone should make our case known before the world.

Listen to this compelling interview and share with your friends so they can wake up and see that our government and this present administration is trying to suppress our freedom of speech and the free press. Just because they do not like our message does not mean that we will stop reporting the truth.

Freedom of worship is a Constitutional right given by the Almighty, and the Government cannot take it away without a fight. Dan and Maria also announce that they would be coauthoring a book telling their story about these events. 

To listen to this interview, or the original shows exposing the White House lies, visit
Latter Rain - The Lesser of Two Evils - Part 1

Latter Rain - The Lesser of Two Evils - Part 1

Latter Rain - The Lesser of Two Evils - Part 2

Latter Rain - The Lesser of Two Evils - Part 2

October 25, 2012 By Daniel Noe

Glenn Beck took to his radio show Wednesday morning for a fiery denouncement of the administration’s handling of the crisis in Libya.

October 30, 2012 By Daniel Noe

Charles Woods, father of murdered Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, reveals the details of meeting with President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Oct 25, 2012
Radio host Lars Larson weighs in .


Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Awr Hawkins /
Over the weekend, Facebook took down a message by the Special Operations Speaks PAC (SOS) which highlighted the fact that Obama denied backup to the forces being overrun in Benghazi.

September 11-October 30
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
An Incriminating Timeline: Obama Administration and Libya (scroll down to bottom of page)

Dr. Jerome Corsi

#1 New York Times bestselling author and a senior staff writer for

Dr. Jerome Corsi’s discovery of Obama’s ring is now backed up by others, on the ring it says, "There is no God but Allah". Staffers in Jordan with William J. Murray’s Religious Freedom Coalition also believe the ring, which Obama wore on his wedding-ring finger for at least a decade before he married Michelle Robinson, pays homage to Allah.

“I sent the photographs to my office in Amman,” Murray wrote WND in an email. “This is the response: Yes, it is the Shahada, and the second part of the profession of faith is probably inscribed inside the ring.”

The Amman staffers said they have seen other rings like it. Egyptian-born Islamic scholar Mark A. Gabriel, Ph,D., as well as a native-Arabic speaker employed by WND who has provided translations of critical Arabic statements, believe the ring is Islamic.

A Duke professor interviewed by Glenn Beck’s news service also confirmed their conclusion. Filmmaker Joel Gilbert has issued a detailed analysis he prepared with the assistance of Yousef Shehadeh, a native Arabic speaker from Nazareth who studied Arabic for 13 years in the Holy Land and now works as a graphic artist in Los Angeles. Gilbert, who has studied Arabic himself, told WND he sent close-up photographs of the ring to Shehadeh “cold,” without offering any opinion, and asked him to evaluate them. Shehadeh replied to Gilbert that the script on Obama’s ring is Arabic, and it is the first part of the Islamic declaration of faith.

Remember we do not 100% agree with everything our guests, say, do, or believe. It is up to you to pray and sort it out!
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Monday, October 29, 2012
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012
(Common sense, politically incorrect newsletter to 15,287 subscribers)
Our mission is to get our readers thinking about current events.







Pre-Election Benghazi Cover Up.
Lied About Video Protesters
Hid Loss of War on Terror.
Said Benghazi Unimportant. Blocked Available Rescue.
Would Not Supply Security. 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Nothing more need be said. Simply watch this video of Judge Jeanine Pirro laying out a very clear case for the guilt of Barack Obama and his administration regarding the Benghazi Massacre and cover-up…

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

October 31, 2012 By Daniel Noe

Great video explaining how much Michelle Obama has taken our tax dollars for granted.

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