Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of Heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? From whence then hath it tares? He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? But he said, Nay: lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn."
-- Matthew 13:24-30
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
What was DHS doing in Sandy Hook, CT, in the years prior to the recent Shady Hook shooting? According to the Department of Homeland Security’s website in Connecticut, Sandy Hook residents took part in specialized Department of Homeland Security HSEEP training drills over the two years prior to the mass shootings last Friday. Check out the location of these drills in Sandy Hook in the first video below, only hundreds of feet away from the Shady Hook Elementary school; was this truly a ‘false flag’ two years in the making? Anyone who has been paying any attention to this knows, nothing adds up.
If this wasn’t a false flag, then this was another disastrous DHS program. What are the chances of a shooting of this scale occurring only hundreds of feet away from where a Department of Homeland Security ‘training’ course was recently held, or is this the new ‘par for the course’? With this Departments ‘Security’ programs ‘working’ like the one trained for by residents of Sandy Hook, the DHS has shown once again they are completely useless. What a failure of security. Unless, of course, that was the point of these DHS drills…
By the way, KelliInTheRaw in the 2nd vid below from YouTube makes a great point, HSEEP or SHEEP? With Americans continuing to sleep soundly and the Shady Hook DHS failure or false flag, it’s quite apparent that the latter is what the DHS puppet masters had in mind.
The Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) is a capabilities and performance-based exercise program that provides a standardized methodology and terminology for exercise design, development, conduct, evaluation, and improvement planning.
The Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) constitutes a national standard for all exercises. Through exercises, the National Exercise Program supports organizations to achieve objective assessments of their capabilities so that strengths and areas for improvement are identified, corrected, and shared as appropriate prior to a real incident. To learn more about the HSEEP program, click on the About HSEEP tab above.
The HSEEP is maintained by the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s National Preparedness Directorate, Department of Homeland Security.
Sandy Hook Shooting - Gun Control Hoax - (Full)
Published on Dec 18, 2012
Sandy Hook Gun Control Hoax - (3rd attempt to upload full 20 minute version) From the "medical examiner" to the reports of a second shooter being pulled out of the woods, and arrested wearing camouflaged pants and a black jacket who was put into the "front seat" of a cop-car (never followed up on by mainstream media), to the immediate "emotional" remarks calling for gun control- this entire event stinks to high heaven.
Initially, we were told the "mother" was a teacher at the school, and she was shot at the school, since then, we were told she was "a substitute teacher" at the school, who was not actually at the school- and was shot at here home.. After that we were told "she doesn't appear on any official school lists.."
The gun supposedly used to shoot all these kids was found in the trunk of the car?
The school itself supposedly has key-pad entry as a security enhancement, which should have stopped the alleged gunman intruder from entering- not to mention, the school supposedly had a surveillance video camera system (of course we don't get to see any of the video).
The "medical examiner" character seems to be extremely suspect, he doesn't know how many boys and girls there were, and can't answer most questions presented to him..
No elected official should ever be making an "emotional response" to any sort of incident, instead, they should make a "calm and collected, logical response" taking into account the Constitution of the United States, and the rights delineated there within. Instead, the day of the event we are hearing about "gun control legislation" and "the need to remove assault weapons and further restrict the 2nd Amendment".
This false-flag shooting appears to follow the same modus operandi as many others- the use of a "very smart, but physically weak shooter" (therefore instilling the idea that without a firearm, this person would be completely impotent to carry out violence) is always used.
There is never any surveillance video (even though surveillance cameras are now ubiquitous in our country) and there never seems to be any photographic evidence either.
We never get to hear form the accused (in the case of Aurora, the guy was drugged out of his mind, obviously after the fact, as he would not have been able to kill as many people as he allegedly did if he was that drugged at the time) and in the case of the Sandy Hook event- the "killer" is conveniently dead on arrival.
Americans had better realize we are all getting played soon- in my opinion it is extremely obvious, and hopefully through my videos more people will realize what a garbage hoax is being perpetrated on the trusting and ignorant American public.
Initially, we were told the "mother" was a teacher at the school, and she was shot at the school, since then, we were told she was "a substitute teacher" at the school, who was not actually at the school- and was shot at here home.. After that we were told "she doesn't appear on any official school lists.."
The gun supposedly used to shoot all these kids was found in the trunk of the car?
The school itself supposedly has key-pad entry as a security enhancement, which should have stopped the alleged gunman intruder from entering- not to mention, the school supposedly had a surveillance video camera system (of course we don't get to see any of the video).
The "medical examiner" character seems to be extremely suspect, he doesn't know how many boys and girls there were, and can't answer most questions presented to him..
No elected official should ever be making an "emotional response" to any sort of incident, instead, they should make a "calm and collected, logical response" taking into account the Constitution of the United States, and the rights delineated there within. Instead, the day of the event we are hearing about "gun control legislation" and "the need to remove assault weapons and further restrict the 2nd Amendment".
This false-flag shooting appears to follow the same modus operandi as many others- the use of a "very smart, but physically weak shooter" (therefore instilling the idea that without a firearm, this person would be completely impotent to carry out violence) is always used.
There is never any surveillance video (even though surveillance cameras are now ubiquitous in our country) and there never seems to be any photographic evidence either.
We never get to hear form the accused (in the case of Aurora, the guy was drugged out of his mind, obviously after the fact, as he would not have been able to kill as many people as he allegedly did if he was that drugged at the time) and in the case of the Sandy Hook event- the "killer" is conveniently dead on arrival.
Americans had better realize we are all getting played soon- in my opinion it is extremely obvious, and hopefully through my videos more people will realize what a garbage hoax is being perpetrated on the trusting and ignorant American public.
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
Originally published December 21 2012
(NaturalNews) This is a message for those who are new to Natural News and who seek the truth in this time of great change. You may have already noticed the Mayan calendar prophecy was a hoax. The universe didn't end. We're all still here, and we must face our future rather than writing it off.
The Sandy Hook shooting outrage reaction is also a fear mongering hoax. You have been manipulated by Obama and the mainstream media into invoking an irrational, hyped-up response to an event that poses virtually no risk to the American people. How's that? For starters, 116,000% more Americans die each year in motor vehicle accidents than were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary. You are far more likely to be killed by a deer in the road than a psychopathic mass shooter. And you are WAY more likely to be killed by your doctor than by a gun: An astonishing 784,000 Americans are killed each year by their doctors.
Approximately one-quarter of all Americans have been emotionally manipulated into worshipping a false prophet: Barack Obama, one of the world's great mass murderers of children who is right now signing off on yet more unarmed drone bombings of innocent children in Libya, Afghanistan, and soon Syria and Iran. You don't see those children on television, and Obama sheds no tears for them. They are the "invisible" children of the world whose deaths don't matter to the U.S. media, which celebrates mass violence and deadly wars.
Almost everything you think is real is actually a fabrication. Virtually everything you believe about banking, politics, medicine, the media and even history has been falsified and engineered in order to enslave you in the modern-day version of The Matrix. You have been enslaved so deeply that you do not even realize you're a slave. You worship your slave masters and beg them to take away more of your money, your freedoms and your very future. You are the product of a centuries-long campaign of cultural manipulation, revisionist history and, more recently, chemical influence.
You are living out the dystopian sci-fi future right now, today, numbed by chemical fluoride acids and dumbed-down by injections of mercury, MSG and formaldehyde as ordered by the U.S. government.
I pray for you. I pray that you may be awakened from your slumber and find some way to clear away the cobwebs that have been placed in your mind by the sinister, almost demonic dark forces that manipulate human minds on our planet.
Although granted free will, you have been convinced to suppress it
The most sinister part of The Matrix in which you now live is that you have been cajoled and convinced to suppress your own free will and surrender to the manipulators who control not just your mind, but your entire reality.
As Edward Bernays, the father of modern propaganda, explained:
If we understand the mechanisms and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing it... We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of...
In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons... who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.
Stealth manipulation and cognitive control
Every time you turn on the television, false ideas, mythologies and delusions are being subconsciously implanted into the belief system portion of your brain. This happens when you watch the news, when you enjoy a movie, or even when you pay your taxes. You've been hoodwinked into believing utter false things like, "America is a free country" or "the government cares about you" or "the drug companies are humanitarian organizations."
The most notable property of this propaganda and engineered influence is that people who are routinely and deeply manipulated by this propaganda have no clue that they are.
Nearly everyone, if you ask them, will insist they are not being manipulated by anyone. They make their own decisions, they insist. And yet they go to the store and buy all the toxic product brands that have been shown to them on television. They worship mass murderers who run for President (Bush, Obama, etc.) They enslave themselves in a system of financial work-cropping and taxation that benefits only the global monopolist bankers who run the debt cartels.
Your values, ethics, emotions and mythologies are entirely manipulated and contrived. Here's one way to challenge yourself on this right now: Do you celebrate Columbus Day? Christopher Columbus was a mass murderer.
Do you watch the fireworks on July 4th? Most people are mindless to the whole point of July 4th which is to celebrate Independence Day -- independence from British tyranny, gun control, illegal searches, secret prisons, and so on. And yet all these things have been brought back to America by Obama. The fireworks are supposed to be a reminder of the battles that our forefathers fought so that we might enjoy freedom. Instead, the fireworks mesmerize a barely-conscious population as they sleepwalk right into the jaws of tyranny and oppression, slobbering their way to their next chronic disease as they eat themselves to death with GMOs and aspartame.
You have been taught delusional mythologies about vaccines and flu shots: "Flu shots stop the flu!" is a delusional anti-fact that's catapulted into a global meme (mind virus) by the same industry which now claims injecting mercury is good for children. "Science" has become the tyrannical cry of those who absolutely despise science but who invoke the word to demand obedience to their own warped chemical doctrines.
You have been taught delusional financial mythologies such as the idea that the U.S. government needs to collect taxes to fund itself. In reality, the Fed can create all the money it needs instantly, just like it does to bail out banks. You are taxed not to raise revenue but to be oppressed and controlled.
You have been told who to worship -- singers, basketball players, big government -- and even more importantly who to hate: white people, gun owners, preppers, veterans, Ron Paul supporters and anyone who grows their own food.
And when the next false flag event occurs in America, you will be "shocked" and "outraged," and you will believe it was carried out by whomever the government and the media claims carried it out. You will also believe that your reaction is happening of your own free will and you will have no clue the entire thing has been scripted and injected directly into your head.
Open your eyes and look in the mirror, slave
You are a pawn in a grand mind game. You have been imprisoned in a mental construct that is so powerful and elusive that you actually defend the very system which has enslaved you.
You've been trained to think that anyone who questions the system is a "conspiracy theorist" or a "kook." Every strategy of mental influence has been used against you, over and over again: safety in the herd, neurolinguistic programming, fear reactions, prisoner training (TSA), false symbols of authority, false flags and so on.
Like most people, you were born into slavery and you will die a slave. You will not rise above it and declare your free will sovereignty because you have been trained to be a conformist coward. You will, at every opportunity, trade away your liberty for social approval, because you have been taught to believe that the worst thing in the world is to be "different" from the conformist masses.
In essence, you have wasted your entire life -- a life offering an incredible, sacred spiritual journey where you have been granted free will, a human body and the consciousness to be your own being -- yet you discard all these gifts in your race to be like everyone else, think like everyone else, talk like everyone else and "fit in" without daring to unleash your individuality.
Your soul cries spiritual tears at the wasted opportunity to do something with your life. Your Creator is utterly disappointed but not surprised, as most souls who come to this Earth follow the same comfortably-numb path of conformity and self-enslavement.
Awaken NOW
While your physical life still has time remaining, you have every opportunity to do something different with it. Break the chains of mental enslavement. Break free from the social approval bonds that have limited your beliefs, your speech and your ideas. Take that quantum leap from conformity to being a true explorer of reality -- a person who asks questions, observes events, connects the dots and seeks to be enlightened.
You will not break free from the Matrix if you watch mainstream news or get your values and information from the White House. You can only be free if you first free yourself from toxic information sources which only seek to manipulate and control you. Turn off NPR. Banish the New York Times from your web browser. Turn on Natural News, InfoWars, the courageous David Icke and other alternative websites that genuinely seek the truth and dare to report it, no matter how eccentric or bizarre it may sound to the uninitiated.
Expand your consciousness to take in the sacred enormity of the universe around you, or you shall remain forever bound and diminutive in this soul journey we call "life." Upon your death, your soul will review your life and declare, "Wow, you wasted the ultimate gift of life in a desperate bid to remain unremarkable."
But you do not have to continue on that path. You can change now by casting aside conformity and seeking reality.
My prayer for you
May you live a life that your spirit sees as worthy. May you awaken from your slumber and be blessed with understanding. And may you then use that wisdom to awaken others, spread freedom, defeat evil and enlighten our species so that it can finally pursue the abundant and joyful future we all deserve.
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Damon Albarn discusses his new opera about Dr John Dee, the Elizabethan astrologer, courtier, alchemist and spy, ahead of its premiere on Friday night at the Manchester international festival
In the age before science and magic parted company, Doctor John Dee was the ultimate Renaissance Man: astrologer, alchemist, mathematician and spy, he coined the term ‘British Empire’ and equipped the Elizabethan Court with the knowledge to make it manifest. The inspiration for both Marlowe’s Faust and Shakespeare’s Prospero, Dee studied the Heavens, he spoke with Archangels, and he paid a bitter personal price.
Doctor Dee explores ritual and symbolism in this country, past and present, using John Dee – one of England’s greatest but largely forgotten men – as catalyst.
By Ian Youngs Arts reporter, BBC News
Musician Damon Albarn has unveiled an ambitious stage show that combines his acoustic pop with contemporary opera to tell the story of an Elizabethan hero.
He staged the premiere of "folk opera" Dr Dee, about the ill-fated scientist and occultist John Dee, in Manchester.
Dee was a scientific and medical adviser to Elizabeth I who advocated the creation of a British Empire, helped explorers navigate the New World and held seances in the hope of finding a key to unlock the secrets of nature.
William Shakespeare is believed to have based the sorcerer Prospero, from The Tempest, on Dee.
The production started by tracing modern English identity back to Dee's era, before charting his life story, from mathematical brilliance in the Elizabethan court to dark and brooding scenes of downfall.
Damon Albarn's opera Dr Dee is a weirdly beautiful and original fantasia that, for sheer imagination, knocks most modern opera into a cocked hat, writes Rupert Christiansen.
Friday, December 14, 2012
There is a coven of Americans bound and determined to undermine Second Amendment rights. Many are using unstable young Americans as tools to erode and destroy our gun rights. By using lone gunmen to create mass shooting atrocities, shadow mind controllers are preparing the American public for an assault on gun rights.
According to one theorist, these mass murderers are being manufactured:
Fast forward to the year 2012. The “lone gunmen” of the world are being manufactured by the mind control technicians in the U.S. deep state like microchips. The secret “manufacture-a-patsy” government industry has become so advanced and sophisticated that it has enabled the hijacked U.S. government to get away with the most atrocious of crimes against the American people and humanity.
Whenever a state crime is committed by the deep state a patsy mysteriously rises to the surface from the shadows.
There is disturbing evidence that suggests the “Dark Knight” shooter James Holmes is a shadow patsy who was involved in a secret government mind control program. He was catapulted onto the scene of the crime in the Colorado movie theatre after professional government killers finished off massacring movie goers in the dark of night. READMOREHERE
Those “lone gunmen” are reportedly beng manufactured to demonize American gun rights. I am a mental health professional and I firmly believe many of the mass shootings in our recent history are mind control events with the goal of demonizing the 2nd Amendment and gun ownership in the USA. Don’t you find it interesting Obama and his hoard want to ban assault weapons so we have another assault weapon mass killing. It does appear the shooter’s gun jammed and he self destructed before killing a high number of people which the controllers no doubt hoped for. Yes our leaders are so corrupt and evil they will kill us indiscriminately to obtain their goals of power and control. READMOREHERE
False Flag Proof on James Holmes shooting
Stunning accusations reveal a story by claimant as having been visitied at home by police chief Dan Oates and Dist. Atty. Carol Chambers where they forced the unnamed individual to testify as a fake victim of the shootings, under the threat of being arreasted for prostitution and escort services and charity fraud, for the purposes of garnering an easy conviction against alleged shooter James Holmes.
“A society whose citizens refuse to see and investigate the facts, who refuse to believe that their government and their media will routinely lie to them and fabricate a reality contrary to verifiable facts, is a society that chooses and deserves the Police State Dictatorship it's going to get.”
Ian Williams Goddard
Radio Liberty Stan Monteith
Guest: John DeJacomo
Book: Agents of Control
Jesus foretold of unprecedented deception at the end of the age.
"Agents of Control is a fast-paced, hard-hitting prophetic portrait of end time events that offers a detailed panorama of how the end of the age could very well unfold. Filled with confirming Scriptures, this exegesis of the last days not only offers an enlightened view of the apocalypse, but it also identifies man's only answer for overcoming globalism and the New World Order of antichrist. An exciting read… enjoy!"
Pastor Norm Franz, Ascension Ministries
"This book opens your eyes to why world events occur and what bible prophecy has foretold concerning the future. The clear and thorough way in which this book is presented makes for a very interesting read."
Dr. Glenn Sorrentino
A grim Federal Security Services security memorandum circulating in the Kremlin today is reporting that the man, Adam Lanza [photo 2nd left], believed responsible for the horrific massacre of 20 children and 6 adults yesterday was the son of one of the Central Intelligence Agencies top psychological analysts who was assigned to a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency project which developed the sub-hunting simulator video game Dangerous Waters.
According to FSB analysts in this memorandum, Adam Lanza attacked the Sandy Hook primary education school in the Connecticut County of Fairfield, known as the “hedge fund ghetto” due to its being one of the wealthiest counties in the United States, where he killed school officials and an entire class of children Russian intelligence experts believe were a part of a DARPA “experiment” being oversaw by his mother Nancy Champion Lanza.
The total death count from this massacre is 28 as it, also, includes both Adam Lanza and his mother.
Though initial US news reports claimed Nancy Champion Lanza was a teacher at the Sandy Hook school, this report states this information is not true, and which has been confirmed by local school authorities, including Lillian Bittman, who served on the local school board until 2011, who stated, “No one has heard of her, teachers don’t know her.”
Russian intelligence files on Nancy Champion Lanza, however, say she lived the majority of her life in and around what is known as the Merrimack Valley Region of Massachusetts and New Hampshire and that the weapons used in this massacre, said to be owned by her, are standard CIA issue. US news reports are further stating that her brother, James Champion, a retired Kingston, New Hampshire police officer, is currently being questioned by the FBI.
In early 2009, this report continues, Nancy Champion Lanza relocated to Connecticut as the DARPA projects she was assigned to have their headquarters at the US Naval Submarine Base New London in Groton.
Important to note is that the FSB received an extensive file on CIA and DARPA video game projects from Iranian intelligence officials after the August, 2011 arrest of CIA agent Amir Mirza Hekmati.
In a video confession to Iranian intelligence officials, Amir Mirzaei Hekmati, a former US Marine of Iranian descent, confessed to a career in American intelligence that included a stint at a video game company in New York that he said was “a cover for the CIA.”
According to an English translation of the report published by The Tehran Times, an Iranian state-run newspaper, about one-third of the way through the report, Hekmati said he had worked for DARPA, after he left the Marine Corps in 2005.
Then, Hekmati said in Persian: “After DARPA I was recruited by Kuma Games Company, a computer games company which received money from CIA to design and make special films and computer games to change the public opinion’s mindset in the Middle East and distribute them among Middle East residents free of charge. The goal of Kuma Games was to convince the people of the world and Iraq that what the U.S. does in Iraq and other countries is good and acceptable.”
Hekmati further added: “The head of Kuma called me and said, ‘I have received your resume from DARPA, and we have a program in which you can help us.’ ” Kuma, Hekmati explained, “was also a cover for the CIA. and only the chief of company knows that you’re working with the agency.”
The FSB notes in this report that Russia, too, has experienced the grim aftereffects of violent Western video games naming the November 2012 workplace rampage that left 6 dead in Moscow and prompted authorities to begin the process of outright banning them in the Motherland as numerous research studies have linked them to violence and mass killings.
Perhaps most shocking in this report are FSB analysts stating that this latest massacre “could very well have been” a “retaliation” after the failed mass shooting in Portland, Oregon earlier in the week, and as we reported on in our report titled “US Military Sniper Stops Portland Mall Massacre”.
As we have detailed in many previous reports, the ongoing war between those factions loyal to President Obama, opposed to those aligned with the US Military and intelligence agencies, is taking an ever growing toll upon the American public and with this latest massacre shows no signs of abating.
Sadly, but always the case, the American people will be the last to know the truth of these matters as the popular US dissident website is already reporting that the news of this latest massacre is already being “changed and censored” to protect those who are really to blame.
Article Source: whatdoesitmean
Monday, December 17, 2012 22:59
Another shooting, this is unbelievable! I’m glad the gun jammed, too bad it didn’t backfire. I’m sorry, It’s just upsetting to see especially after what happened the other day.
Today, Press TV reported that two people were wounded when a gunman entered a San Antonio theater. The shooting occurred last night at about 9:25 p.m. at the Santikos Mayan 14 movie theater during a showing of “The Hobbit.” According to reports, the gunman’s original target was where he was employed.Continued below.
Officials say the man was looking for a female co-worker, and when he learned she wasn’t there, he produced a gun. The weapon jammed when he tried to fire it in the restaurant, and some of the patrons fled across the parking lot and into the nearby theater. more here.
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