Program anchor Jim Axelrod (live in Newtown, CT):
“You’re also learning more about the guns used in the shooting, that belonged to Lanza’s mother?”
Senior Correspondent John Miller sets us up for the punch line :
“It’s about the process. She had to go to an awful lot of trouble to get these guns. CT has some of the toughest gun laws in the country. That meant going down to the state police, filling out the forms, getting finger printed, and then waiting to hear back that she was approved for a handgun permit. Then it meant going down to the store and getting an FBI background check, waiting for another period and picking those weapons up. So it’s not one of those things where you just show up with your driver’s license and make a purchase. She made an affirmative effort to get these weapons and as we learned from the landscaper, enjoyed shooting.”
Ready? Here is John Miller’s punch line:
“We spoke to another relative who also said she was worried about the defense of her home if there was a collapse of the economy [on screen - close up casual photo of Mrs. Lanza]. She wanted to have weapons on hand to defend them which of course only underscores the irony that those were the guns used by her own child to kill her and so many others.”
Boom! And there we are. The circle is complete. Now the gun grabbers can really take off and run with this. “The doomsday preppers are responsible for the murders of 20 children! That’s where this whole thing is coming from! Get their guns!”
You don’t have to be a genius to figure out where this is going!
But then there is THIS . The SGT Report cites a “coincidence” that will leave you thinking about a planned scenario at Newtown, just the kind of operation secret societies are reputedly famous for.
In The Hunger Games, many times called a model of predictive programming, the ritual sacrifice of 23 children is carried out. Twelve districts, two children from each district; they fight in pairs and kill each other until one winner is left. 23 children are killed.
In Newton, Adam Lanza killed 20 children.
The author of The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins, is listed by Wikipedia as one of the famous people who lives in Newtown.
You take it from there. Call it whatever you want to. I try to avoid winging big stretches, but this is too stunning to omit.
Meanwhile, the police in Newtown are lying.
Here is how that plays out.
We are entering another familiar phase of the standard mass-murder scenario.
It goes like this:
“A portrait is beginning to emerge of the killer…”
With Adam Lanza, it starts with “loner, shy, awkward, different, very smart.” It now proceeds to “goth, computer nerd, carried briefcase not backpack, played video games.”
The latter terms are meant to connect the audience, the public, to the 1999 Columbine School mass murders, the touchstone of school shootings, the gold standard. The so-called “trenchcoat mafia”; Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, the “goth shooters.”
Next, we may hear Adam Lanza was bullied.
These are all synthetic descriptions about Lanza, manufactured to cue the audience to make certain assumptions about a person they don’t know at all.
The “emerging portrait” is a necessary step in the media presentation. It assures the public that they can make at least partial sense out of the killer.
It’s also a false trail, if in fact the killer was on psychiatric meds, because then all bets are off. The drugs (Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Ritalin, Adderall, etc.) do things to the brain that result in actions entirely beyond any description of Lanza, even when that description comes from family and friends.
Now, the police are getting into the act.
Connecticut State Police Lieutenant, Paul Vance, dangled a carrot in front of the press today: “Our investigators at the crime scene…did produce some very good evidence in this investigation, that our investigators will be able to use in, hopefully, painting the complete picture as to how—and more importantly why—this occurred.”
A note from Adam Lanza, found at the scene? A recording of a confession? Vance didn’t say. Perhaps his punch line will come tomorrow.
Here’s why this is a lie.
Killing your own mother, and then breaking into a school and killing 26 people, most of whom are very young children, doesn’t, by any stretch of the imagination, resolve by assigning a motive.
There is no motive that can explain such a crime.
Lanza was bullied, so he killed 26 people, including little children?
He had a very bad experience when he was in school?
His mother was brutal toward him?
But the media and law-enforcement presentation requires some sort of motive. It’s part of the planned sequence of events that occurs in the aftermath of mass murders. It needs to be there. The public is supposed to digest this motive and either accept it or grudgingly acknowledge it might have played a role in the killings. It’s better than a vacuum.
The public is not supposed to be left with a vacuum.
Of course, the television anchors button the whole thing up with their somber, high-minded, and world-weary bottom-line reminders that “we may never understand what really happened here on the morning of December 14th.” That’s folded in to provide the “helpless factor” that’s now engraved on every mass murder.
“We’re all victims and we have to accept what cannot be explained.”
We’re talking about multiple vectors of explaining a killer. Planned vectors.
“Well, he was this way and he was that way, and so-and-so person said he was this way, and at the end of the day all this helps but there is still an underlying mystery about the human mind that researchers are only beginning to probe, and here is Dr. Such and Such, who has been researching the deep corridors and channels of the brain for thirty years at Harvard, to try to help us make some sense of out of all of this…Doctor?”
Meanwhile, if Adam Lanza was on psychiatric drugs, the answer is obvious. HE HAD NO MOTIVE FOR KILLING ALL THOSE PEOPLE.
There was no motive.
That’s what the drugs do.
Yes, a person might be angry, might be resentful, might feel put-upon, might fantasize about revenge, might wish that people were dead . . . but he would never act on those feelings and thoughts.
That’s the whole point.
He does what he would otherwise never do.
In fact, some people who feel absolutely no desire for revenge, after taking the drugs kill others or themselves or both.
Dr. Joseph Tarantolo has written about the case of Julie Marie Meade. In a column for the ICSPP (International Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology) News, “Children and Prozac: First Do No Harm,” Tarantolo describes how Julie Meade, in November of 1996, called 911, “begging the cops to come and shoot her. And if they didn’t do it quickly, she would do it to herself. There was also the threat that she would shoot them as well.” The police came within a few minutes, “five of them to be exact, pumping at least 10 bullets into her head and torso.”
Tarantolo remarks that a friend of Julie said Julie “had plans to make the honor roll and go to college. He [the friend] had also observed her taking all those pills.” What pills? Tarantolo called the Baltimore medical examiner, and spoke with Dr. Martin Bullock, who was on a fellowship at that office. Bullock said, “She had been taking Prozac for four years.” Tarantolo asked Bullock, “Did you know that Prozac has been implicated in impulsive de novo violence and suicidalness?” Bullock said he was not aware of this. Tarantolo is careful to point out, “Violent and suicidal behavior have been observed both early (a few weeks) and late (many months) in treatment with Prozac.”
Keep in mind that a person doesn’t have to be severely “down” to be given one of these antidepressants. He or she could just be going through a temporary disappointment, but upon recommendation, a visit to a psychiatrist is made…and then life takes a radically different and extremely dangerous pharmaceutical course.
As far as motive for murder in the Adam Lanza case, everything is backwards. First, the police should be investigating whether he had been under the care of a physician. If so, what drugs were prescribed? If the psychiatric meds are positively established, then all the rest of the mumbling and hinting and explaining and writing script is completely irrelevant. Lanza went crazy from the drugs and he killed. He took the drugs and he killed. This is not an excuse. It’s a fact. It doesn’t change the tragedy, but knowing it can prevent more mass murders, if the people trying to cover up what these drugs do can be pushed out of the way and shelved, along with all the other medical liars in this country. Meanwhile, we’re getting the full dose of media mind control out of Newtown, Connecticut. The planned sequence is playing out.
Here’s the capper:
Newtown USA is the perfect town. Everybody is happy there. It’s the best place to live. People are friendly. There is virtually no serious crime. It’s so safe. It’s Christmas season. Decorations have already been hung in the streets. It’s the wonderful holiday in the wonderful community. Everybody likes everybody.
What’s the takeaway?
If this horrible, horrible thing happened in Newtown, no one is safe in America, anywhere. Who wants to promote that message? The same people who promote the imminent threat of terrorism, in order to wipe out freedom, to install wall to wall surveillance of everything we do and say and write, 24/7, to remove guns from citizens, to increase dependence on government for life and survival.
One young man, on one or two medicines, goes on a rampage and kills, and the planners advance their heinous cause: Operation Newtown.
As long as we stay asleep.
Jon Rappoport
The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED , Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at .
If you shop through Amazon, then consider supporting Jon’s work by shopping through Jon’s Amazon referral link .
Jon Rappoport has worked as a free-lance investigative reporter for over 30 years.
This footage I found is very strange. The reporter asked a question and the sheriff answered a completely different answer. As if a different question was asked. And as if this whole press conference was staged. I'm not saying it was, but it sure looks suspicious with all the other idiosyncrasies . . . the sheriff mentions about somebody cutting wood in the woods behind the school. All other reports say it was a father of one of the students who they apprehended in the woods. Why was he in the woods running?
Things don't add up. If you put together the footage from the helicopter where they are chasing someone in the woods, and the audio of the original 911 phone call where they say they saw "two shadows", and then it was reported the 2nd person they were looking at had camoflauge on and a bullet proof vest, huh? Bullet proof vest? Now this . . .
Published on Dec 15, 2012
I noticed this in the version of the 8am press conference of 12/15. The reporter asks if the mother has any connection to the school, and seems to give a pre planned answer about the guy they found in the woods fitting the description of the shooter that was arrested and detained. He is indirectly claiming that he was cutting wood out there and that's why he was there. Did he live around there? Was he on his own property when they apprehended the suspected accomplice?
The glitch occurs around 10:52 into the ABC News version of the 8am press conference.
The reporter asked:
"Does the mother have any connection to the school?"
His bizarre answer was:
"You have to understand that after the shooting we did a complete and through search of the entire area, the neighborhood, with our local partners. Everything was examined. If we found anyone that was in the woods, cutting wood, they would be detained pending the investigation. So there were no other arrests that were associated with this investigation that occurred."
It seems like they want us to believe they found someone behind the school cutting wood. I don't know . . . it's awfully strange to me. You be the judge.
by SGT
Regarding the absolutely horrific and incomprehensible mass murders at Sandy Hook Elementary School on Friday; Our hearts and prayers go out to the families. As a parent myself, I’m not sure how one survives the unbearable trauma of losing a child.
We will keep a close eye on how the investigation into this heinous crime proceeds, looking for any anomalies or inconsistencies in the official story line because we already KNOW that this crisis will be used by this criminal government to begin the process of disarming the American people. With that in mind, we received an interesting comment from reader AVM Friday evening.
AVM made the following startling observation which can be confirmed on
wikipedia :
Suzanne Collins is the author of ‘The Hunger Games’.
Suzanne Collins resides in Sandy Hook, Connecticut, with her husband and their two children.
This horrific crime was perpetrated at [Sandy Hook Elementary in Newton, next to the town] in which the author of ‘The Hunger Games’ lives.
These are never random events. This appears to be a deliberately chosen place and symbolic false flag – a child sacrifice ritual that the Illuminati love so much. You can read the remaining portion of AVM’s observation
here in the comments section.
Until we understand more about what happened on Friday we do not necessarily agree with AVM’s conclusions. However, here are some facts: The ritual sacrifice killings of 23 children are portrayed in the book ‘The Hunger Games’. On Friday at Sandy Hook Elementary, near Sandy Hook, CT., home of ‘The Hunger Games’ author, 20 children were murdered making it the worst mass school shooting of children in U.S. history. At the very least, this is one deeply disturbing coincidence.
The hit movie “The Hunger Games” takes place in a dystopian future where the poor and wretched masses live under the high tech tyranny of a wealthy elite. Is the movie depicting the kind of society the elite is trying to establish for the New World Order? We’ll look at characteristics of the world presented in “The Hunger Games” and how they relate to plans for a New World Order.
Pushed by a gigantic marketing campaign, The Hunger Games did not take long to become a world-wide sensation, especially among teenagers and young adults. Sometimes referred to as the new Twilight, The Hunger Games has similar components to the previous book-to-movie craze (i.e. a young girl torn between two guys) but takes place in a very different context.
Set in a dystopian future (why is the future always “dystopian”?), The Hunger Games paints a rather grim picture of the world of tomorrow, whether it be from a social, economical or political point of view. In short, it is a big-brotherish nightmare where a rich elite thrives on the backs of a starving population. Meanwhile, the perversity and voyeurism of mass media is taken to absurd levels and is used by the government as a glue to keep its unjust social order intact. Is The Hunger Games giving teenagers a glimpse of a not-too-distant future? It doesn’t take a crystal ball to see the elite are trying to take the world in that direction. Is the author Suzanne Collins communicating a strong anti-NWO message to the youth by showing its dangers or is it getting the youth used to the idea? Let’s look at the fictional, yet possible, future world of The Hunger Games.
Note: This article is about the movie and not the book series. The movie has been formatted in a different way and conveys a slightly different message.
The Hunger Games takes place in a context that is strikingly on-par with descriptions of the New World Order as planned by today’s global elite. One of the main characteristics of the New World Order is the dissolving of regular nation-states to form a single world government to be ruled by a central power. In The Hunger Games, this concept is fully represented as the action takes place in Panem, a totalitarian nation that encompasses the entire North-American territory. The United States and Canada have therefore merged into a single entity, a step that many predict that will happen before the full-on creation of the NWO.
In Panem, the concepts of democracy and freedom have disappeared from America to be replaced by a high-tech dictatorship based on surveillance, monitoring, mass-media indoctrination, police oppression and a radical division of social classes. The vast majority of the citizens of Panem live in third-world country conditions and are constantly subjected poverty, famine and sickness. These difficult living conditions are apparently the result of a devastating event that engendered the complete economic collapse of North America.
Desensitizing to a New Type of Violence
While there is no shortage of violence in Hollywood, The Hunger Games movie crosses a boundary that is rarely seen in movies: Violence by minors and towards minors. In this PG-13 movie we see kids aged between 12 and 18 violently stabbing, slashing, strangling, shooting and breaking the necks of other children – scenes that are seldom seen in Hollywood movies. While it is surely a way for the movie the grab the attention of the movie’s target audience (which happens to be teenagers aged 12 to 18) The Hunger Games brings to the forefront a new form of violence that was previously deemed too disturbing to portray in movies. But in the particular kill-or-be-killed scenario of The Hunger Games, the viewers easily go beyond this psychological barrier and find themselves yelling stuff at the movie like “Come on, Katniss, take your bow and shoot that vicious little f**cker in the head!” .
The Hunger Games is set in world that is exactly what is described to be the New World Order: A rich and powerful elite, an exploited and dumbed-down mass of people, the dissolving of democracies into a police state entities, high-tech surveillance, mass media used for propaganda and a whole lot of blood rituals.
Suzanne Collins, author of The Hunger Games
Collins resides in Sandy Hook, Connecticut, with her husband and their two children.
This horrific crime was perpetrated in the town that the author of Hunger Games lives.
These are never random events.
This is clearly a deliberate chosen and symbolic false flag – a child sacrifice ritual that the Illuminati love so much.
Let the real Hunger Games begin with a huge, horrific blood sacrifice of innocent children.
In the video post at the top of the page, the “2 or 3 shooters” video by IdahoPicker, he shows a screenshot of the school’s website.
At the top right hand corner is the school’s address: 3 Primrose.
To reference Hunger Games again, Primrose, “Prim”, is the name of Katniss’ little sister who she spare at the lottery and go to the Games in her place. Another weird little piece? Who knows?
Another “coincidence”:
Adam Lanza of the Connecticut massacre, and alleged shooter Holmes in the Aurora, Colorado, “Batman” slaughter, both had fathers who were ranking corporate fonancial officers due to testify in the huge LIBOR SCANDAL . You might think somebody in authority might follow up on this suspicious fact. Is not too far a stretch to think dark forces wanted to shut these men up with monstrous crimes that crushed their families?
Sean, this is without a doubt the best summary of what I’ve researched over the last 15-18 years. Anyone who listens to this and gives it serious thought time and overlays it over our/world historical events has to understand that there is an agenda and it’s progressing as planned. Any one with eyes to see and ears to hear can not deny current events and what is approaching at the horizon.We all have alot more to be concerned about than our gold and silver. As you may have ascertained from my comments, my veiws and conclusions are formulated and derived by my faith and belief in the truth of Biblical Scripture the fact that all of these events; past, present, and future are merely the mechanics/fulfillment of the events leading the world towards WWIII/apocalypse as prophesied in Daniel, Mathew & Revelations. The End Times as described in Revelations and the Iluminati’s NWO, One World Government, are one in the same. Onces again, thank you for posting this excellent video on the subject, one of the best I’ve seen/heard.
I agree with glitter 1 comment. This long and vast conspiracy looks so much like what the Bible describes as the end time world government that I don’t know how serious students of the Bible could ignore it.
Video: Sandy Hook In Batman Dark Knight Rises Movie, CT Police Release State Of Investigation And Victim Names
Sunday, December 16, 2012
As the story of the massacre at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Connecticut unfolds and the shooting is blamed on a lone gunman, 20 year old Adam Lanza, witnesses say others may have been involved. Local, state and federal law enforcement agencies are now trying to reconstruct what Adam Lanza was doing in the days before the shooting.
United Way of Western Connecticut has created a “Sandy Hook School Support Fund” to provide support services to the families and community affected by this tragedy. We are grateful for the outpouring of support received not only from within Connecticut, but throughout the country and the world.
Adam Lanza died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, according to reports. Authorities have not issued a formal indentification of the shooter nor have they said how he died officially. The shooting suspect had a Glock 9mm handgun, and a Sig-Sauer 9mm handgun, and a Bushmaster .223-caliber assault rifle, found in the vehicle he drove to the shooting. The three firearms were all legally registered to his mother, according to several news outlets. Lanza was too young to legally buy the firearmsunder Connecticut law.
According to Connecticut Govenor Dan Malloy, Adam Lanza used the Bushmaster rifle to blast his own entrance into the school which as in lockdown at the time of his entrance into the building.
Adam Lanza Facebook Photo
According to Connecticut Govenor Dan Malloy, Adam Lanza used the Bushmaster rifle to blast his own entrance into the school which as in lockdown at the time of his entrance into the building.
bushmaster 223.jpg
Adam Lanza high school photo. The photo is seven years old.
On 12/14/12, at approximately 9:30 a.m., Newtown Police received a 911 call reporting a possible shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School located at 12 Dickenson Drive in Newtown. Newtown Officers immediately responded and requested assistance from Connecticut State Police. Ssurrounding police agencies also sent assistance to the scene. Troopers, both on-duty and off-duty, responded to the scene.
Upon arrival, teams of Troopers and Officers formed “Active Shooter Teams” and immediately entered the school. Teams performed rescues of students and staff, removing them to a safe location as they searched for the shooting suspect within the building. The building was evacuated and students walked hand in hand out to a safe location.
Teams encountered several students and staff suffering from gunshot wounds. The building was secured, the ”shooter” was located deceased, and Newtown EMS personnel entered to provide emergency care for the wounded. Eighteen (18) children were pronounced dead at the scene, two children were transported to Danbury Hospital and later pronounced dead. Six (6) adult victims were also pronounced dead at the scene. Teams located the shooter on scene; he was also pronounced dead. The perimeter was also searched and secured by responding law enforcement.
The building was secured and at the request of the Newton Police Chief and Danbury State’s Attorney, two Connecticut State Police Major Crime squads responded to conduct the investigation into this crime. Troopers are assisted by Newtown Police Detectives, Danbury State’s Attorney, and many Federal, Local, and States Law Enforcement Agencies.
The processing of the scene began immediately with documentation of the crime scene and identifying and gathering both physical and forensic evidence. The urgent focus of the Major Crime investigators was to work with the Office of the Chief State’ s Medical Examiner to establish the identity of all the deceased victims. This was accomplished overnight and the next of kin were all notified that positive identification was made.
The family of each victim was assigned a Trooper or Officer to establish and maintain an open line of communication. This was put into place so families of the victims can have immediate contact related to any questions they may have and to also provide State Police investigators the ability to communicate with families without delay.
The families have requested no press interviews and we are asking that this request be honored. The deceased victims have been transported to the Office of The Chief State’s Medical Examiner where a post mortem examination will be conducted to determine the manner and cause of death.
State Police Major Crime Investigators are continuing to process the school crime scene, gathering evidence and documenting the entire facility. State Police Detectives assisted by Newtown Detectives processed the interior and exterior crime scene. Teams of investigators flooded the community and followed each lead, developing extensive information.
A second crime scene was located by investigators at a residence on Yogananda Street. A female was located deceased inside the residence. This scene was secured and an additional State Police Major Crime Squad responded to this scene to investigate this incident. Preliminary information determined that the deceased was a relative of the “shooter” at the Elementary School.
Presently, the school scene is still being processed by detectives and it anticipated that this process will take several days. In addition, Troopers are continuing to follow any and all leads in this case utilizing Law Enforcement in-state as well as out of state as required.
Crisis counseling teams are on-site to provide support to the families of all of the victims. The investigation is continuing.
State Police Release Names of Deceased in Newtown School Shooting
Charlotte Bacon 02/22/06
Daniel Barden 09/25/05
Rachel DaVino 07/17/83
Olivia Engel 07/18/06
Josephine Gay 12/11/05
Ana M. Marquez-Greene 04/04/06
Dylan Hockley 03/08/06
Dawn Hochsprung 06/28/65
Madeleine F. Hsu 07/10/06
Catherine V. Hubbard 06/08/06
Chase Kowalski 10/31/05
Jesse Lewis 06/30/06
James Mattioli 03/22/06
Grace McDonnell 11/04/05
Anne Marie Murphy 07/25/60
Emilie Parker 05/12/06
Jack Pinto 05/06/06
Noah Pozner 11/20/06
Caroline Previdi 09/07/06
Jessica Rekos 05/10/06
Avielle Richman 10/17/06
Lauren Russeau 06/82
Mary Sherlach 02/11/56
Victoria Soto 01/04/85
Benjamin Wheeler 09/12/06
Allison N. Wyatt 07/03/06
Published on Dec 18, 2012
Firearms industry expert and part-time police officer Mark S. Mann (pseudonym) lives in Connecticut, just miles from the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary. He's been following the story closely, talking to cops he knows in the area and he will be reporting for us as this story develops. Mark says there are just too many inconsistencies with the 'official' story and he says, "things don't add up." As we all now know, regardless of whether the mass murders of children and adults at Sandy Hook was a false flag operation, or the actions of a lone nut, the establishment intends to use this event to attack the Constitutional rights of law abiding Americans - they're coming after the guns. And just like Stuart Rhodes of Oath Keepers, Mark says, "We will not tolerate any abuses to our 2nd Amendment rights."
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Music: "Willow and the Light" by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0""
The content in my videos and on the SGTbull07 channel are provided for informational purposes only. Use the information found in my videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence (DD) BEFORE making any significant investing decisions. SGTbull07 assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, I cannot and do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of this information. Thank you.
Comments Section
I'm in Australia and they took our guns! Didn't stop people killing one another, But it did take away our protection. Please don't make our mistake, wake up! they are trying to kill you! and how are you going to stop them. cause soon they'll be coming for you.
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